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Atrial Fibrilation is the most common type of heart disorder in Australia

Australians are living with Atrial Fibrilation
1 on 3
Australian are at risk of developing AF in their lifetime
of the Australian population aged over 55 are already affected.
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Source Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

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How can we
make a difference

Based on our previous successful work with CSIRO, we were introduced to the University of Adelaide to create a digital app as part of a clinical trial related to the support and management of people at risk of, or suffering from, cardiovascular atrial fibrillation (AF). Entitled “Precision AF”, the trial aims to support those at risk on their journey to develop the right sort of lifestyle habits essential for good management of Atrial Fibrillation.

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The program consists of 2 phases

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Delivering education, gathering baseline data, and creating personalised interventions to support users in making lifestyle changes.


Creating a 22-week gamified behaviour change application that utilises individualised data from Phase 1 to address AF risk factors and incorporates specialised tools for maintaining heart rhythm.

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An Innovative App Design solution to Support Behavioural Intervention

Combining MPF's behaviour change expertise with the University of Adelaide's subject matter expertise, we crafted the brand, user experience, flow, and mechanics for an app supporting a 22-week clinical trial. Collaborative workshops with the University refined our approach, resulting in an appealing, user-friendly solution aligned with the trial's health objectives

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22 Week
AF program

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A 22-week program that used gamified behaviour change techniques to encourage lifestyle changes

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Complex algorithms linked to the questionnaires result that delivered tailored program for each user

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Providing Education and learning to the users, as well as collecting baseline information to allow us to build a personalised intervention to guide them through their own lifestyle changes.

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Data from connected devices including steps, weight, heart rate, blood pressure, scales and watches, in many cases with unique interfaces

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Data from connected devices including steps, weight, heart rate, blood pressure, scales and watches, in many cases with unique interfaces

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Tailored situation targeted to supporting the specific AF risk factors for each user.

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Use of gamification was key to guide, support, engage and remind them to adhere to the program to optimise their results and reduce their AF risk.

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User feedback, via a simple dashboard where they could view their progress reports, along with motivational messages

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What they say...

“Enjoying the app and it keeps me accountable and motivated”

Actual Client Testimonial

“I have even lost weight which has been helping me with my AF situation”

Actual Client Testimonial

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don't be

a stra_nger

( 37% )