About Sherlock
Based on the hit BBC series developed in partnership with Hartswood Films – the producers of the show, MPF created a compelling story which allowed fans to become part of Sherlock’s Homeless Network and help the sleuth crack the case. With well over a million downloads globally it was a wild sucess.
Enter Sherlock's world
With a bespoke mapping and messaging interface, participants navigate virtual London on foot, by tube or taxi, where they interview witnesses, collect and store evidence, play games and help Sherlock solve ten intriguing cases, many of which form part of an overarching mystery.
Worthy of the legendary detective himself
A contender for best app of the year
Part game and part multimedia storytelling... Genuinely fun
This, my dear readers, is one excellent app
Minigames and puzzles to uncover clues
Over 1.5m downloads
Mobile and Tablet. English and Chinese
The app includes exclusive footage of Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman and Mark Gatiss reprising their roles as Sherlock Holmes, John Watson and Mycroft Holmes; communicating directly with the player via video messages, voicemail and texts
And our favourite:
“If Sherlock himself designed an app it would probably look like this” Digital Spy
Miroma Project Factory. 2006/Part of the Miroma Group
don't be
a stra_nger
( 37% )